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Due to a large volume of public comments regarding Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use and demand for access, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Boise District is cancelling the Grand View Travel Management Plan Environmental Assessment to reassess information and validate route inventory.

The BLM will build on current information and data received from interested public and partner organizations and reinitiate the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process in the future, moving forward with a clear process while actively engaging affected communities.

Travel management planning in Owyhee County is required by the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 and involves a comprehensive approach that considers various aspects of road and trail system planning and management including natural resource management; road and trail design and maintenance; and recreational and nonrecreational uses of roads and trails.

#BLMIdaho #OutdoorRecreation #YourPublicLands

Recreation bill sails through House with broad support
Sponsors are now urging the Senate to follow through with companion legislation.

BY: SCOTT STREATER | 04/10/2024 06:30 AM EDT
E&E DAILY | The House approved a sweeping recreation bill Tuesday that addresses access to public lands and seeks to boost the nation’s outdoors economy.

H.R. 6492, the “Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act,” is a package of more than a dozen outdoors measures.

Introduced last year by Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and co-sponsored by ranking member Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), it's the rare piece of broad legislation that’s enjoyed strong bipartisan support throughout the process — with 27 Democrats among its 51 co-sponsors.

Westerman said during floor debate that it marked the “first time in the history of the House that we will be considering a comprehensive outdoors package aimed at getting more Americans outdoors and supporting the $1.1 trillion and growing outdoor recreation economy."

He said, "This bipartisan, bicameral bill is the cumulation of more than a year’s worth of hearings and markups in the House, and it builds off years of work in both the House and the Senate.”

Lawmakers as politically diverse as New Mexico Democratic Reps. Teresa Leger Fernández and Melanie Stansbury and Montana Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke lined up to praise the bill, before overwhelmingly approving it by voice vote.

“On this legislation, I’m glad to see it is bipartisan because some things should be bipartisan in our country, and our public lands and our outdoor experience is that,” Zinke said.

Leger Fernández said the bill’s success can be attributed to the work of both Westerman and Grijalva.

“I am thankful for the dedication of this bipartisan duo to this legislation and the years of hard work in getting us to this point: the hearings, the input, the compromises, the openness to the ideas that were coming through this long process,” she said.

'Great ideas'

The dozen or so bills that comprise the "EXPLORE Act," collectively, would boost access to public lands for disabled veterans by providing more accessible trails and lodging, and ensure greater access to parks and playgrounds in urban areas by codifying the Obama-era Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program.

The package would establish a pilot program of public-private partnerships to be run by the Department of the Interior and the Forest Service aimed at modernizing campgrounds on public land.

Westerman said the bill includes “great ideas from my colleagues from around the country" that will help to “ensure that more Americans can enjoy the great outdoors in the present while leaving them in better condition for generations to come.”

Another piece of legislation included in the "EXPLORE Act" would establish a pilot program at the Interior Department to create conservation and resource management jobs for veterans.

“Taken together, these provisions promote accessibility for disabled communities, increase job opportunities for veterans, facilitate a diverse range of recreation opportunities, and close the nature gap for underserved urban communities,” Leger Fernández said.

“Public support for public lands and access to outdoor recreation continues to grow each year, and the EXPLORE Act will help advance the idea that the outdoors really are for everyone.”

'More work to be done'

The Senate version, S. 873, is similar to the House bill. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee last year advanced the ”America’s Outdoor Recreation Act," co-sponsored by committee Chair Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the committee’s top Republican.

Westerman recognized the work of Manchin and Barrasso, and urged the upper chamber to move swiftly on the bill.

Leger Fernández also noted that the "EXPLORE Act" has a few provisions not in the Senate version. That includes H.R. 6342, sponsored by Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-Va.), designed to improve access to outdoor recreation and national parks for disabled veterans, as well as improve the accessibility of public trails and lodging for disabled Americans.

“The amended bill before us today adds some meaningful and impactful provisions to the Senate version of this bill,” Leger Fernández said. “There is more work to be done. And we look forward to working with our Senate colleagues as they process the new pieces added by the House, the very good pieces added by the House, which we want the Senate to adopt.”

It is Friday, Idaho off-highway vehicle state law review day...

Today we are spotlighting Idaho Code 49-302 OHV Education Requirements.

Our neighbors in Oregon and Utah require EVERY operator to complete a hands-on OHV skills class, the Idaho OHV class meets those requirements.

Find classes at

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The Idaho Recreation Council is comprised of Idahoans from all parts of the state with a wide spectrum of recreation interest and love for the future of Idaho and a desire to preserve recreation for future generations of Idahoans. If you believe access is important to your recreation please consider joining a club in your area.

Responsible Shared Use

These three words succinctly express the Idaho Recreation Council’s philosophy; a philosophy that emphasis rights and responsibilities.  For example, both motorized and non-motorized users recreate on public lands but each also has a responsibility to act in a way that minimizes their impact on the resource as well as on the other users.  With these opportunities granted to us, comes responsibilities. 

The phrase goes beyond simply advocating multiple use.  It requires from those who advocate it a willingness to not be selfish.  It means other’s preferences are accepted recognizing that one’s choice of recreation is not better than another, just different, and that not one user group has greater rights than another.  Behavior is courteous and respectful at all times and is not dependent upon others behavior.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved idaho recreation council

Sandra Mitchel | Executive Director

Jim Kulm | President

‘Mike Mickelsen’ | RV

Cliff Hoisington | 4 x 4

David G | ATV

Randy Harrison |  Rock Hounds

Kirk Buck |  UTV

Mark Wood | Snowmobile

Mark Jennings | Vice President

Sean McConnachie | Jet Boat

Steve Frisbie | Treasurer

Steve Swann | Backcountry Aviation

Ron Hancock | Small Suction Dredge Mining

Idaho Recreation Council
PO Box 1317
Eagle, Idaho 83616
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